THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsSecond Sunday of Advent8 December 2024 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Once again, today, we are reminded by the Gospel reading (Saint Matthew 11:2-10) that we must see with more than our physical eyes. Saint John's disciples went to Jesus to see if He was the One or if they were to look for another. Jesus asks them to consider what they have seen, i.e., curing all manner of ills and even death, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. Above this, He says they are blessed if they are not scandalized in Him. After Saint John's disciples are dismissed, Jesus turns to the rest with Him and asks what they went into the desert to see. They are instructed that they did not go out to see a worldly man or worldly things. They went to see a prophet.
The word "see" implies many more things than simply the use of our eyes. Sight is the principal sense among the others, and we often "see what people are saying," or we "see how something feels," etc. To "see" something usually means to understand or comprehend it. Saint John's disciples saw with their eyes the works of Jesus but understood in their hearts and minds that Jesus is the One The Savior. Before this event, many of those with Jesus at this time had gone out into the desert to see Saint John. There was obviously not much to see with their physical eyes, but Saint John offered them many beautiful things to comprehend in their hearts, minds, and souls.
Today's world is preoccupied with 'science' and the study of observable or material science, often neglecting the exploration of supernatural matters. We must shift our focus from the desire to see worldly or material things and redirect our attention to the supernatural. Many looked at Jesus and only saw a man because they only saw with their material eyes. Many saw in Him a wonder worker that could cure and heal. Many saw in Him a wise man or a prophet because of the profound truths He spoke. Most never truly saw Jesus because they could not see past the physical or material sight before their eyes. It takes spiritual or supernatural sight to see that Jesus is God. When we see Jesus as God, His physical attributes are no longer the center of focus because our attention 'sight' is directed to the supernatural or spiritual, leading to a profound sense of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.
This is just as it should be, and Jesus reminds us of this. The people went into the desert not to be catered to or to see wonderful and pleasant things. They went into the desert to see something spiritual "a prophet." With their physical eyes, they saw an unkept, coarsely dressed man. This is not what they went out to see, even though they knew this was what their physical eyes would perceive. They went out to see with the eyes of their hearts, minds, and souls. They went out to "see" a prophet.
Let us ask ourselves what we go to Church to "see." Are we only seeing with our physical eyes? Do we go to see beautiful things? Strange, mysterious ceremonies? Our family, friends, and neighbors? Or do we attend Mass to "see" and better understand the Unbloody renewal of the Sacrifice of Calvary? Do we "see" the words of God offered to us in the Bible passages and the sermons given? Do we "see" Jesus/God in the Holy Eucharist? Our physical eyes may have grown accustomed to many of these sights and sounds, so we easily dismiss or disregard them. Worldly or materially speaking, there are many more exciting and beautiful things to see in this life. The Mass has been seen so often only with material eyes that men think it dull, ordinary, or repetitious. Some object that they don't understand the Mass because it is in Latin. They don't understand or don't see, not because of a language barrier, but rather because they are looking for material things rather than spiritual ones.
Many only see the Bread of the Holy Eucharist because they are not lifting their eyes up into the supernatural or spiritual realm. Only with the eyes of faith can we see Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in the Holy Eucharist. Only with the eyes of faith can we "see" the Lamb of God God the Son offered to the Father in Heaven in Sacrifice for our sins and transgressions. Only with the eyes of faith can we see the effects of this Sacrifice cleansing our souls. When we receive Him in Holy Communion, it is only with the eyes of faith that we see Him giving true spiritual life to our souls.
Many only see or partake of a "memorial meal" or a remembrance of the "Last Supper." These fail to truly see they miss everything because they are not seeking supernatural things, but only natural or material ones. The Sacrifice, the humiliation of God's physical Presence under the appearance of Bread and Wine, the Love of God for us, etc., is not "seen" because it is not being sought.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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